2021 Ransomware Incident Responses

The increasing prevalence of ransomware attacks has caught many businesses off guard as companies struggle to prevent attacks and recover from their impact. Remediation costs involved in dealing with a ransomware attack can include business downtime, lost orders, operational costs, and investments in new IT systems. Many businesses never recover from the financial impact of attacks and are forced to close altogether.

Through One Source’s Incident Response Retainer, organizations can secure the availability of our experts, who can quickly recognize and contain the threat. We work with businesses to determine the cause of a breach, identify the targeted systems or data, and use the details of the attack to help the organization recover and move the environment into a state of prevention, protecting the network from similar future attacks.

Download the 2021 Ransomware Incident Responses and learn how One Source has saved businesses over $100 million from devastating cyberattacks in 2021.

Click here to download the PDF


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