Copper POTS Line Replacement: Is Your Plan Ready?

Copper telephone lines that support POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) are an aging infrastructure that is deteriorating rapidly.

Major telephone providers have already started phasing them out, while the FCC has issued Order 10-72A1 that mandates that all POTS lines in the US be replaced with an alternative service – such as fiber or wireless connections – by August 2, 2022.

With the FCC and telephone providers working towards the retirement of copper lines, POTS will only get more expensive and offer fewer options in the upcoming months. This disruption can give your business some big challenges to overcome if not addressed urgently…..and there is no time to wait.

Many companies have life-saving emergency communications that run natively on these analog lines to include: Fire Alarms, Elevators, Security Systems, and more.

Join us in a 30-minute webinar as we provide you with critical guidance to prepare and reduce risk around POTS line replacement to include:

  • Redundancy Plan – Make sure you have the backup that you need
  • Cost Reduction – Tips for savings 40-60% over time
  • Reliability and Scope – Review replacement options to properly support and scale to business needs


Kirk Waddell
EVP of Technology
One Source

Chris Miller
Director of Service Delivery
One Source